DESTINATION: CANADA. PART 2: Wonder at the Espace Pour la Vie

Montreal seems to be a great melting pot for all forms of creativity. Be it art displays in public streets, culinary inventions and concoctions, and even classic architecture finding its place in the modern city, Montreal is serious when it comes to displaying its talent. Add to that the very French way of thinking that if you’re in a craft you have to be the best in it, well you end up with a very high bar that everyone tries to top.

Destination Canada 2

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Destination: Canada. Part 1: The Great Gelatinous Northern


While the ducks and the wealthy elderly, who can afford to do so, fly south for the winter, there remains a few select people who are quite possibly brave and/or dumb enough to head north. I am one of such esteemed few who celebrate the phrase that brave is interchangeable with stupid. Despite this, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. While the weather gets cooler I’m heading further north for even cooler weather, this time to Montreal, Canada.

Destination Canada

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Destination: Annapolis, MD. Part 1, History and Hypertension

Overcome by the needs and wants of the modern working human, one can’t help but be overwhelm by our most base desires. Food. Food was what our nomadic ancestors chased after as sustenance and was a driving factor in the evolution of our social structure as we know it. We may all not agree on what to eat but we can damn well be sure that we need to eat.

annapolis pt1

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Destination Block Island. The Solitary Island Revisited Part 3

New Shoreham on Block Island has one major city/town center. This center is responsible for the major deliveries to the island and is home to the town hall and commerce centers. The Historic Old Harbor District is lined with shops, restaurants, and hotels. More importantly this is where one of the two major ports are located, with the other port being located in Champlin’s Marina which connects Montauk, NY to the island during peak seasons.

Once you venture away from the city you are either greeted with thickets on either side of you which opens up to a grand vista of the ocean when you head south, or you are surrounded by beaches on either side of you heading north. There are private and public lands here open to hikers and there are signs that encourage hikers to enter and pass through prompting you to leave your car behind promising views and experiences worthwhile the trip.


When I say “open to hikers” I also mean open to bikers and intermediate and beginner explorers with hiking trails of varying difficulty. You don’t need to be a super pro to experience what the island has to offer. In fact most places can be driven to with the walking distances being relatively short. The major spots require longer walks but the views are worth it with the implied isolation being a bonus for those seeking some peace and quiet.


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There is something therapeutic about waking up next to a large body of water. Some people get it, others don’t. I suppose I’m fortunate enough to get it. It could be the ions and negatively charged whatever’s but I really enjoy being next to large bodies of water. In this case the body of water is literally across the street being the Atlantic Ocean.


The wisp of the fresh ocean air awakens you and riding on a boat so early in the morning can wake up and revitalize your body more than coffee can, at least I think so. The cold sea air with the bucking of the boat on open ocean has made many people lose their balance and ultimately their last meal. I’ll admit that when I was younger I had a massive case of sea sickness which I eventually overcame. But the imagery, the sensations, the simple joy of riding a boat to a destination and suddenly losing sight of land is exciting.


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Destination: Block Island. The Solitary Isle Revisited

It is a very very rare thing that I fall in love with a place that I travel to, I’ve learned to understand and appreciate each location’s specialty whether it be the looming desert hills as the sun crests over their peaks in the cool mornings or the wide expanse of ocean that stands before my feet as I wade in the cool surf and even the sound of the forests in the dark. Each place has it’s own thing to offer from how welcoming it’s inhabitants are and what amenities and attractions each place has to offer.


Now here is Block Island. This post is titled “Side B” because this trip to Block Island is actually my second one. I just never got around to posting the first trip because A: I got lazy; and B: I have no excuse aside from being lazy. Regardless on this return trip I wanted to recapture what made me fall in love with the island to begin with and to see what exactly it was that brought about my allure with this sleepy island village. So come and join me as I revisit the Island and pick apart my mind as I figure out why Block Island holds a special place in my heart.


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Destination: Maine. An IA Recon survey.


Ah Maine, Maine, Maine. I can’t say enough great things about this state and it’s people. Now I understand why Maine is the “Vacationland” of the North-east United States. The breezy and rocky shores of the state are the first to greet the first rays of light from the sun every morning. The dense and lush forests provide endless hiking trails . The marshlands provide aquaphiles opportunities to canoe and kayak and the rapids of the young terrain provide excitement for the more extreme kayakers and rafters. This state has it all. From beautiful naturescapes to kind and welcoming people. I wish I had more time to experience all Maine has to offer, but for now, all I have to offer is a brief overview. (And maybe I’ll inspire someone to come up with me next I go~!) Continue reading